Saturday, October 18, 2008

Poozer Puttin' Up Scatch

Above is my son, Mister C, putting up the scatch, the roofing. (Enlarge the picture, so you can see that joyful punim!) The featured sheet is courtesy of my ex-Marine California niece and her three kiddoes.

Our final sukkah open house was last night. I have been surprised both by who has visited this week and who has not. Two more neighbors came by, one with his 2 month old baby girl, too sweet, my festive, wonderful sis-in-law came from Austin, a really nice couple from the havurah and my son and DIL (even though they were clearly exhausted from working all day...) It was amazing how many of us in that small group are in animal rescue - either officially or non-offically. Bonnie the Basset came out to schmooze.

Nice night, and I'll be sorry to see Sukkot end tomorrow morning. More pix to come this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and your sukkah too :)