Monday, September 1, 2008

Elul Already??

The High Holidays approacheth. I (she who usually falls asleep instantly every night...) was wide-awake at midnight planning my Sukkot menu. After all, it's only a month and a half away! Now that I'm going to build a sukkah, I'm panicking already at the idea of having visitors - not just the symbolic kind - those I can handle, they'll stay on their brightly-colored poster...but the kind that might have to actually enter Animal House (we live with 6 cats and 4 dogs) to use the facilities or come in if it rains. Oh the humanity! Oh the cleaning!

Between that and fretting about my non-kosher (but cruelty-free) kitchen and possible kosher guests, I'm remembering why I'm such a hermit. Oy.

Here's the week's menu, plotted between 11pm and midnight last night: Butternut Squash soup, pumpkin baked with stuffing, fruit salad, potato/cauliflower/green bean salad with vinaigrette, dates and figs, felafel, Israeli chopped salad, tabouli with pomegranate, roasted pumpkin seeds, roasted garbanzo beans, carob brownies, apple cake and fruit salad. Kosher wine, apricot tea, coffee.

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